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Trust Your Inner Child

2 min readFeb 24, 2020


What do you want to be when you grow up?

This is what we were constantly asked by teachers, parents and caregivers in our childhood. For many of us, we knew for sure: A doctor, firefighter or teacher. The choices were ever-changing. Whatever the answer, it came with a responsibility and expectation to work hard to achieve. We would learn as we ventured along the path, the barriers disguised as self-doubt, age, wage and gender discrimination would attempt to throw us off course. Along with this came the reality that you may not always have a tireless cheerleader in your corner; that dedicated teacher or parent that pushed and supported you even when the path grew dark and lonely. You had to trust that every step you’d take would lead you to a path of success..

Are you who you wanted to be when you grew up?

If you are living the life you planned as a child, are you happy and thriving? If not, is that still what you want? The barriers have not changed, but how we navigate them can be different. It requires a great amount of courage to dream with the expectation to succeed. Be your own cheerleader and find a squad that truly supports you. Your inner child will always tug at you to remind you to stay on track, draw outside the lines and to keep imagining.

Be relentless in your journey to becoming you, by design.




Human-being Activist & Author. People watcher and conversation starter. INFJ unicorn. Storyteller. Unapologetic Black Woman.